All the Adorable Zoo Babies You Can See at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden in May

It's May, and at the Cincinnati Zoo, that means Zoo Babies!

All month long, the zoo will be celebrating their youngest residents, including new bundles of joy like their bat-eared fox kits, penguin chicks and, of course, Fritz the hippo.

“The most talked about baby this year is Fiona’s little brother Fritz,” said Cincinnati Zoo director Thane Maynard. “He’s most definitely one of the cutest, but there are some rare little ones that are well worth checking out. Swing by the Reptile House to see Aruba Island rattlesnakes, a crocodile skink, and Pascagoula map turtles.”

Other babies include two giraffes, a bonobo, a cheetah, three manatees, a rhino, a gila monster, a three-banded armadillo, an orchid mantis and a thorny devil walking stick. Expectant mothers Lightning the sloth, Stevie the bongo and Kuvua the okapi are also being highlighted this May. Maynard says there are big signs to help you find the expectant moms and babies.

The zoo is also celebrating human moms this month. On Mother's Day, May 14, moms can get into the Cincinnati Zoo for free.

Keep scrolling to see all the adorable babies at the Cincinnati Zoo.
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White-cheeked gibbon baby
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
White-cheeked gibbon baby
Baby hippo Fritz
Photo: Michelle Peters via The Cincinnati Zoo
Baby hippo Fritz
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African penguin chick
Photo: Lisa Hubbard via The Cincinnati Zoo
African penguin chick
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Bat-eared fox kits
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Bat-eared fox kits
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Rozi the cheetah
Photo: @DJJAM Photo via The Cincinnati Zoo
Rozi the cheetah
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Bonobo baby Amali
Photo: Michelle Peters via The Cincinnati Zoo
Bonobo baby Amali
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Armadillo lizard
Photo: Lisa Hubbard via The Cincinnati Zoo
Armadillo lizard
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Rhino baby Ajani Joe
Photo: @DJJAM Photo via The Cincinnati Zoo
Rhino baby Ajani Joe
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African penguin chick
Photo: @DJJAM Photo via The Cincinnati Zoo
African penguin chick
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Bonobo baby Amali
Photo: Michelle Peters via The Cincinnati Zoo
Bonobo baby Amali
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Lightning the sloth is pregnant and is expecting her baby sometime this summer.
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Lightning the sloth is pregnant and is expecting her baby sometime this summer.
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Crocodile skink
Photo: Lisa Hubbard via The Cincinnati Zoo
Crocodile skink
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Fenn the baby giraffe
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Fenn the baby giraffe
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Three-banded armadillo
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Three-banded armadillo
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Bat-eared fox kit
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Bat-eared fox kit
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Photo: Lisa Hubbard via The Cincinnati Zoo
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Stevie the bongo is expecting.
Photo: @DJJAM Photo via The Cincinnati Zoo
Stevie the bongo is expecting.
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Fiona and baby hippo Fritz
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Fiona and baby hippo Fritz
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Baby hippo Fritz and mom Bibi
Photo: Mark Dumont via The Cincinnati Zoo
Baby hippo Fritz and mom Bibi
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Gila monster
Photo: Provided by the Cincinnati Zoo
Gila monster
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