Morning News and Stuff

Cleveland officials are apparently trying to outlaw flash mobs, describing them as violent, unruly terrorizing of communities and family-friendly events. That's not how AT&T presents them in this cell phone commercial.—-

Early voting in Ohio begins today. Have fun with that, Kasich.

The Occupy Wall Street movement plans to occupy Sawyer Point this Saturday from 11 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Bring your sleeping bags and first aid kits, comrades! (UPDATE: CityBeat wrote a little more about the event and The Enquirer's lazy coverage of it here.)

COAST can hopefully rest now that Laure Quinlivan has been slapped on the hand by a judge for using her city computer to update a personal website. Only cost several thousand dollars.

City officials have promised to actually do their jobs in the wake of Diana Frey not actually having a job to do.

Hank Williams, Jr., has gotten himself canned from Monday Night Football for saying that John Boehner's golf game with President Obama was "one of the biggest political mistakes ever," then comparing it to “Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu,” and then explaining that Obama and Joe Biden are “the enemy.” (UPDATE: CityBeat wrote a little more about this situation, too. It's here.)

Headline: “Rick Perry's Problem: A Pitch That Contradicts Decades of GOP Rhetoric.” Analysis: Great, Herman Cain's numbers are rising.

Ford has reached an agreement with the United Auto Workers Union that will bring 12,000 new manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. from Mexico, China and Japan. Thanks, Ford!

The iPhone 5 will be announced at 1 p.m. Today. :) But the Microsoft Zune is dead. :(

The ozone layer hole over the Arctic Ocean is suddenly expanding. Great. Just great.