Projections: Issue 2 Passes, Recreational Marijuana to be Legal in Ohio

Ohioans have decided to legalize recreational marijuana in the state.

Nov 7, 2023 at 8:04 pm
click to enlarge If Issue 2 passes, the law legalizing recreational marijuana in the state would go into effect 30 days after the election. - Photo: Add Weed, Unsplash
Photo: Add Weed, Unsplash
If Issue 2 passes, the law legalizing recreational marijuana in the state would go into effect 30 days after the election.
Voters across Ohio are deciding on Issue 2, which would legalize the use of marijuana for recreational use and sale.

If Issue 2 receives a majority Yes vote, Ohioans could legally buy and apply to sell marijuana in a highly regulated recreational economy. If Issue 2 receives a majority No vote, marijuana will remain legal for medical card holders only.

The latest results

Numbers last updated at 9:37 p.m.:

The Associated Press is projecting Ohio Issue 2 will pass. As of 9:37 p.m., YES on Issue 2 has 55.51% of the vote with nearly 47% of precincts reporting. This is a developing story.

What is Issue 2?

The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol successfully brought Issue 2 to the November ballot thanks to a successful state-wide signature collection campaign. Ohioans will vote “Yes” or “No” to legalizing and regulating the cultivation, manufacturing, testing and sale of marijuana to Ohioans 21 and older. The law would impose a 10% point of sale tax for each transaction and legalize home growing with a limit of six plants per person and 12 plants per residence.  The tax dollars from legalizing adult-use cannabis would be divided into four categories:
  • 3% towards general administrative costs

  • 25% towards substance abuse and addiction fund

  • 36% towards local community a fund to disperse the money to communities that have adult-use dispensaries

  • 36% towards a social equity and jobs program fund

Issue 2 would establish the Division of Cannabis Control within the Department of Commerce which would “regulate, investigate, and penalize adult-use cannabis operators, adult-use testing laboratories and individuals required to be licensed.” Employers and landlords would still have the legal authority to drug test or prohibit use of cannabis in certain circumstances.

Opponents of Issue 2 claim that, in addition to reasons like risks to children and workplace safety, legalizing marijuana recreationally would lead to a spike in traffic-related crashes and fatalities. Among those opposed are the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police and the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio.

According to the Issue 2 ballot text, existing medical cultivators and dispensaries will be the first to receive adult-use recreational licenses within nine months of the law being passed, assuming they fit all requirements. Cultivators and dispensaries would also have the opportunity to expand their current operations, depending on their size.

The law legalizing recreational marijuana in Ohio, should the ballot measure pass, will go into effect 30 days after the Nov. 7 election.

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